Car Classes
Cars are divided into Classes based on common characteristics that define their performance ability. If you are registering to attend as an experienced racer in competition for season points, you are responsible for ensuring that you place your car in the correct class.
To see which class your car belongs to, please download the latest rule book to find precise details and examples.
Novice Classes
All novices, regardless of the car they're driving, are required to register for the NOVAM (for the morning session) or the NOVPM (for the afternoon session) class. Novices who have run in the NOVAM class and who wish to compete in the afternoon are required to register for the Time-only class for the afternoon.
Non-trophy Classes
If you are not a novice and do not wish to compete for season points, you may register for these classes.
TOAM - Time Only, morning session
TOPM - Time Only, afternoon session. (Novices who have already run in the morning are required to register in TOPM.)
Trophy Classes
These are competition classes for experienced autocrossers who wish to compete for season ranking points.
See the Run Groups chart for a complete list of our competitive classes, or download the latest Rule Book for their respective definitions.