Race Day Schedule
The Race Day Schedule at BSCC is the same for every event. On each Race Day, there will be two sessions - one in the morning, and one in the afternoon. They both follow the same format. If you're a Novice, you'll be allowed to run in either one or both sessions. Experienced competitors racing in a 'trophy class' will need to refer to the Run Groups Chart to know which session to attend. When you aren’t racing, you’ll be working so check out the page on work assignments too.
Arrival: Gates Open 7:00 AM
Plan on arriving before 7:30 am for the morning session, or 12:00 pm for the afternoon session.
When you first get to an event, sign the insurance waiver if not already on Speedwaiver (usually at the entrance), then find a parking spot in the 'pit' area. If you see equipment behind a spot, that spot is taken.
Registration: AM Session 7:30-8:30 AM
PM Session 12:00-1:00 PM
In order to save time and money you may pre-register online usually up until the Friday before the event at Scorekeeper. Pre-registration helps ensure that your information is properly entered into our computer systems for accuracy, and also helps move the event along more quickly.
Whether you've pre-registered or not, you will need to check-in at the registration desk. Look for a table and a long line of people. Registration will be open twice during the day from 7:30 – 8:30 am (for the morning session) and 12:00- 1:00pm (for the afternoon session).
When you come to registration, you will need to have the following with you:
1) Money for entry ($10 for a weekend member or $30 for an annual membership if you aren’t currently a member). $45 per half-day racing session ($10 fee for not being pre-registered prior to the event). Registration on Scorekeeper closes at 6 PM two days before the event.
2) Valid driver’s license
At this time you will be given a car number. This number is assigned to you for the season, so remember it and registration will be faster. You must display your car number while competing. You can tape your number to a window, write it in shoe polish, or use your own pre-made numbers. You will also be given a course map and a time card. If you hadn’t pre-registered, you must fill out the timing card, particularly the car make, model, and color, as they will be used to identify your car on the race track. Do not lose this card. Once you have completed the card, you can then prepare your car for racing and bring it to the technical inspection area.
Tech Inspection: AM Session 7:40-8:40 AM
PM Session 12:00-1:00 PM
Once you've registered, you will need to have your car inspected at 'Tech'. Remove all loose items, including floor mats, child seats etc. You may also remove your spare tire from the trunk. See the Rulebook for more details on the inspection and what will be checked. If your car passes, it will be stickered. Personal helmets will also need to be inspected and stickered. Only properly stickered cars and helmets will be allowed on the racetrack.
Where you bring your car next depends on whether you are running first or working first. If working, you should bring your car back to your pit area. If running, pull your car up into the grid area, and place your timing card on your dashboard. See the Grid section below for more details.
Course Walk: AM Session 8:40-9:00 AM
PM Session 1:00-1:20 PM
As every autocross course is different, it's important to walk through the course as many times in order to commit it into memory. If you're not an experienced autocrosser, it's useful to walk with someone knowledgeable so he or she can explain what to look for. In addition, there will be a official guided course walk for Novices conducted by an experienced racer. Remember - having a good course walk is one of the most important things to do to maximize your race performance.
Driver’s Meeting: AM Session 9:00 AM
PM Session: 1:20 PM
All drivers must attend a mandatory meeting to go over all rules and other matters pertaining to the day. After the drivers' meeting, you will either report for your work assignment, or jump into your car to race!
When you're scheduled to work, you must report in for your work assignment. Most people, especially Novices, will be assigned to various stations around the track to "chase cones" - that is, to re-position cones that get hit by cars. If you have health problems that prevent you from performing that duty, please let the Chief of Workers know, so alternative work assignments can be given to you.
**Please dress for the weather** This means if it is raining/snowing, bring rain gear, a change of clothes, a change of shoes, an umbrella, etc. If it is sunny, wear appropriate clothes for warm weather, bring a hat and sunscreen. For everything in between, bring layers! You will be spending a significant portion of the day outside of your vehicle. We race in all weather so please come prepared!
Race! AM Session 9:10 AM
PM Session 1:30 PM
This is why you came!
When in the grid, follow the directions of the grid marshal, who will direct you to the starting line for each run. After each run, re-enter the grid, pulling up into the same lane and preserving the same order. In general, 3 runs are guaranteed for each racer, although frequently 4 are had depending on how many cars there are and how smoothly things go.
Remember that there are lots of people around who are willing to help you have more fun and get better. Between runs, talk to as many people as you can - many tips can be had by simply listening to your fellow racers.
After your last run, instead of returning to the grid, you may return directly to your pit area. If you have been given a "re-run", return to the grid and let the grid marshal know.
Race results are usually posted on the outside of the timing trailer after each run. At the end of the day, results will be audited and posted online.
Event Tear-Down: Around 5:00 PM
When all racing is done, volunteers are recruited to help pick the cones up, pack up all equipment and clean the area. Depending on various factors, we may have extra "fun runs" before tear down.
After-Event Social
Rather than a podium and giant bottles of champagne, we prefer to hit the nearby bars or restaurants to exchange war stories, exercise bragging rights or present creative excuses. Keep your ears peeled for where the after-event social is. It's a great opportunity for us to get to know you better!